Monday, December 24, 2012

Happy Holidays!!!

The Holidays are a time to reflect and express gratitude to those who have impacted our lives. Your support as an advocate for my business has been vital to my success as a real estate professional. I am truly grateful to have the opportunity to serve you. Being your trusted real estate professional is an honor and a privilege and I hope to strengthen our relationship and take care of your home and community related needs in the future.

What are you grateful for in your life? Take time this Holiday break to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and express thanks to those who are important to you and your success.

Wishing you all the best this Holiday Season and a Happy, Healthy New Year!


The Michels Group

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The information I’m sending this month (Click Here to Download) includes good habits to prevent you from catching a cold or the flu, or at least shortening the duration of your illness. Page one outlines several tips to build your immunity and keep germs and viruses at bay. Since you and your loved ones will be spending more time indoors this winter, page two provides tips to improve your indoor air quality.

Bolster your immune system and stay healthy this cold and flu season. Keep your family and friends healthy, too, and share this information with them.

Brad Michels

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Strategies to Create Financial Wealth

“If you would be wealthy, think of saving as well as getting.”
-Benjamin Franklin

Although money is easy to spend, it’s often difficult to save. However, it’s never too late to develop the habits necessary to begin building a strong financial foundation for a more secure future.

The information I’m sending this month (Click Here to Download the PDF) is intended to encourage you or a loved one to begin building wealth. Page one provides seven essential strategies to help you improve your financial habits and take charge of your finances. Page two outlines the five common situations where having an emergency fund to draw from is necessary to prevent debt and financial ruin.

Even if you’re an expert saver, this information will provide the added incentive to save. Please, share it with family and friends who may need extra help or guidance with this important topic. Colleen and I are doing this ourselves so always feel free to contact me with questions or for help.

If you're serious about trying to earn a little extra money to help with your financial plan, here's some bonus information that can help!!! (Click Here to Download the PDF) 



Oh, by the way … if you know of someone who would appreciate the level of service I provide, please call me with their name and business number.  I’ll be happy to follow up and take great care of them.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

What Are Your Plans This Summer?

No plans for the summer? What about a simple renovation?
Our Market is hot right now and one of the best methods to receiving some return on your investment is from redoing a bathroom. Bathroom renovations don’t have to be a nightmare. Whether you’re updating your current bathroom to include water-saving fixtures or you plan to create a spa-like oasis, the information I’m sending this month offers tips for a stress-free bathroom renovation.

In this months Item of Value (Click Here to Download) the first page provides great renovation tips, from choosing paint colors to easy ways to save money on cabinetry. Did you know that the bathroom accounts for over half of indoor water use?* Since water rates are increasing in many areas, page two gives an overview of high-efficiency bathroom fixtures that are designed to conserve water and help you save money on your monthly water bill. 

Feel free to share this great information with your family or friends who may be thinking of a bathroom renovation this year!

In addition to the Item of value, Click Here to Download some quick tips to help with some of those plumbing issues you may come across while completing your renovation!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Is Now the Time to Buy or Sell?

With spring on the horizon, many people are beginning to think about selling their homes. Even those not currently considering a move are curious about the state of the American housing market.

The information I’m sending this month (Click Here to Download) is intended to give you an overview of what’s going on in the national housing market. The statistics offered on page one provide a glimpse into current trends and predictions for the year, while page two delves into the financing choices of recent homebuyers. Feel free to share this timely information with your family or friends.

Please call me if you would like a market analysis of your home or more information about our local real estate market.

Monday, February 13, 2012

It’s Tax Time: Are You Prepared?

Did you know that taxpayers spend over 3.5 billion hours each year preparing for and completing their tax forms?* Given that the instructions for the forms seem to increase each year, this number is likely to increase. Even if you’re among the 3-in-5 Americans who pays a professional to complete their tax forms, there are ways to streamline the process and make it as painless as possible.

In this month's Item of Value (click here to download), I’m sending timely information designed to help you prepare for tax time. Page one offers tips to help you become organized, including things to keep in mind if you bought a home, got married or donated to a charity in 2011. Page two provides an overview of three of the most popular tax preparation software programs on the market. Feel free to share this pertinent information with your family or friends.
Please call me if you would like a referral to a tax preparer in our local area

In addition, if you purchased a home with The Michels Group last year be sure  check out these additional potential deductions! (click to download)

* Source: President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Who Would You Recommend to Your Family & Friends?

I would like to take a moment of your time to introduce a complimentary service I provide for all of my  referral partners.  My Client Appreciation Program! It's part of the commitment I have made to run my business exclusively by referral. Every month I will be sending information that I believe you will find useful. 

This first piece (click here to download), explains how my decision to work by referral benefits you and your referrals. It allows me to devote my time and energy to meeting the needs of my clients. There are a number of ways that I can be a valuable resource to you, such as providing market updates and referring other reputable professionals when you need them.

I will make a constant effort to provide your referrals with excellent service, because in my business, the most profound assets I possess are your respect and trust. Feel free to call if you need anything at all, I am always here to help.

DRE License# 01869321

Monday, January 23, 2012

Get Techy in the New Year!

Over 35% of American cell phone owners have a smart phone.* While the majority of smart phone owners use the device to access the Internet daily, one-in-four conduct most of their online activities on the device, which is expected to grow in the coming years.

Technology is being developed every day that allows us to carry our favorite photos, books, songs, videos and business and personal documents; organize our lives, and connect with loved ones and colleagues from a gadget that fits in the palms of our hands. 

This month (Click Here to Download this months Item of Value), I’m sharing information about the latest smart phones, tablets and e-readers that are designed to entertain, streamline productivity and boost connectivity anywhere in the world. Feel free to share this useful information with your family or friends.

Now that you've bought that new device, what do you do with all your old electronics? Don't just throw them away!  Click here to download and learn how to dispose of them properly.

*Source: Wall Street Journal, July 11, 2011